
  • individual counseling

    offered for adults and adolescents struggling with anxiety, depression, identity exploration and more. you can expect to process your thoughts & emotions, learn skills to manage better, and discover (then change) the patterns that have been keeping you stuck.

    initial intake | $140

    50 mins | $130

    80 mins |  $150  

    *limited # of sliding scale slots available, email to inquire

  • lotus group

    a group for like-minded women who are on a journey to creating a life that aligns with their ideal self. each group is designed to help you learn, challenge, process and apply tangible ideas to guide you toward meaningful change.

    8 sessions - workbook - follow up support

    $480 paid in full or $500 in installments

    next group TBD - interested? emails us!

    email to sign up

  • accelerated resolution therapy (ART)

    a derivative of EMDR, this trauma therapy focuses on working with sensation and visualization to rewire the body’s reaction to unpleasant memories. ART says, “keep the knowledge, lose the pain”. available In tandem with talk therapy or as a standalone service.

    pricing same as individual counseling

    available to book on portal

    consult in advance required

“And through every loss and every gain, you will look back and see: you experienced this life wholeheartedly and fully. Not easily, but fully”.